International Standard Source of Light

D65 –  Artificial Daylight’.

Correlated color temperature 6500K. Within tolerances prescribed in BS 950: Part 1; and all international specifications for D65 illuminant. Specified for most applications where color consistency and quality are required. High conformance to ISO 23603 – CIE S 012/E specifications for accurate colour matching.

D50 – Proof D50 “Artificial Daylight”

Correlated color temperature of 5000K. For graphic and photographic applications. D50 lamps conform to ISO 3664. Recommended for viewing transparencies and for reflected light source to view reproductions.

D75– Artificial Daylight

Correlated color temperature 7500K. Conforms to USA ASTM D1729-82 standard for D75 Illuminant. High CIE specifications for accurate color matching.

TL84 – Applied to stores in Euopean, Japan and China.

840, Narrow Band Triphosphor Fluorescent Lamps. Correlated color temperature of 4000K. CIE Illuminant F11. Good color rendering, manufactured to a tighter tolerance

CWF – Cool White

Cool White Broad Band Fluorescent Lamps. Correlated color temperature of 4000K. Used as an American light source. Moderate color rendering.

TL83 – 830, Warm white fluorescent, America standard

Narrow Band Triphosphor Fluorescent Lamp. Correlated color temperature 3000K. Often chosen as a European light source with good color rendering.(Formerly TL83)

U35 – Ultralume 35

Ultralume Narrow Band Triphosphor Fluorescent Lamp. Correlated color temperature 3500K. An American “Point of Sale” light source, with good color rendering.

UV – Ultraviolet Blacklight. Used to detect the presence of Optical Brightening Agents and/ or Fluorescent dyes. Therefore it is useful when assessing white and Fluorescent shades to check the level present and its evenness.

F – Tungsten Filament Lighting.Approximate color temperature of 2800K. Required by BS 950: Part 1 as a test for metamerism (approximating CIE Illuminant ‘A’). Typical light source used within domestic environments.

A -Tungsten Halogen Lighting (CIE Illuminant ‘A’). This represents incandescent A (inc-A) with a colour temperature of 2856K. Typical light source used within domestic environments. Used to check for metamerism.

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